Primavera BSS Apps

Pssst! Experience 03.04.1606.2001
Primavera BSS
Pssst! Experience is the best way to find, getto know, choose and save information on your favorite restaurantsand coffee shops. It allows you to get directions, receiveinformation on the latest promotions, make reservations and evenplace your orders right from the dinner table of the restaurantssubscribing to the Pssst! Experience service.The application is integrated with PRIMAVERA's Pssst!™ POSsolution, designed for the management of food and beveragesestablishments, among others. Pssst! receives and processes theorders placed through Pssst! Experience, integrating them in asimple and automatic way into the sales flow. This integration addsa range of interactive features essential to providing serviceexcellence to the customer.
PRIMAVERA Elevation 02.03.1704.1101
Primavera BSS
PRIMAVERA Elevation is an app which allows you to access businessinformation and ERP functionalities on mobile devices, enablingfast decision making and the performance of tasks that are relevantin a mobility context. The application currently includes fourmodules – Sales, Approvals, Human Resources and Clients– to whichnew modules and functionalities shall be added from time to time.You can access real data from your ERP by subscribing this serviceand installing PRIMAVERA’s Cloud Connector. Sales The Sales modulemakes it possible to view the sales information of a given companyin graphic or table format, organized by timeframe, region, clientor sales person. Within the timeframe analysis, the data can bevisualized per day, week, month, and quarter or with accumulatedvalues since the beginning of the year, always with a comparison tothe same period of the previous year. Approvals The Approvalsmodule gives you the possibility to manage the approval of Internaland Purchase documents created in the PRIMAVERA ERP, according tothe pre-defined workflows and configurations. This functionalityallows you to approve pending documents visualizing all relevantinformation in the document, namely company name, article, priceand associated discounts, verify the status of approvals which youcreated, delegate approvals to other members of your organizationand check the approval history. Human Resources The Human Resourcesmodule allows you to, among other features, view and print payslipsand Annual Income Tax Return reports, as well as access to yourprocessing status with values, deductions, payment methods, etc.You can easily access information about your income history ordownload / e-mail the detailed payslip in pdf format. Therefore,you will have access to your income data, anywhere and safely.Clients The Clients Module allows you to access your customers’data in an easy, fast and secure manner. Through this module youwill be able to check the Risk Analysis, Sales Data, PendingOrders, Current Accounts, Average Payment Time, as well as anyother recent activity performed by your customers. Along with theFinancial Information, this module also gives you the possibilityto consult Customer Contact Data, such as Phone Number, Address,and Contact Persons which have been associated through the CRM.
PRIMAVERA V10 Mobile 1.0.9
Primavera BSS
Access business information from your PRIMAVERA ERP v10.